Friday, January 29, 2010

Hands on Children's Museum

This is Ms. Virginia, we love her.
She has been Norah's preschool teacher for the past 2 years!
Today was her last day teaching :-(

Norah, a little sad that it's Ms. Virginia's last day

Ok, there's that beautiful smile!

And, here's my silly little guy, in a bus...

up a tree house,

and, riding away on Thomas, or "Tommy" as Nolan calls him!

A HUGE thanks to my sis, Sarah for coming to the museum and helping me keep track of Nolan! I couldn't have made it through the trip without her :-)

Monday, January 25, 2010

A Weekend of Firsts

*Norah's 1st time ice skating*

*Jackson's 1st birthday party*

*Nolan's first night in a big boy bed*

What a great weekend, but too short as it always is! The entire weekend was a blast starting friday night, when Casey and I got to go out for dancing and drinks with friends from my work.

Norah and I spent Saturday morning at the ice skating rink for her first try on the ice. She had a blast, only fell once and by the end could skate by herself with just the wall for some support. She even asked me if she could take lessons....we'll see about that one, I'm not sure where to fit it in between preschool, swim lessons, dance class and life? Saturday afternoon we attended one of our besties first birthday parties. It was a blast, and Tiffany, Jackson's mommy did an amazing job on his safari themed bash!

Sunday Grandma came over and brought the kids their new bunk beds, all ready for daddy to assemble! After a couple hours disassembling the toddler bed and crib and putting together the new bunk beds the kids were let loose to try them out. Nolan mastered the ladder quickly, and can now climb right up into bed with sissy. They took turns playing on each others beds and only took a few reminders and a child lock on the door for them to fall asleep. They both stayed in there respective beds all night long and woke up at their usual time. We only had 1 minor incident, I was awakened at 2am by Norah calling my name, she says "mommy don't be mad" Uh Oh, "I peed my bed" WHAT! She NEVER pees the bed. She then informed me that if I wouldn't have locked her in her room it wouldn't have happened! OMG I felt so bad, I completely forgot I put the child lock on the door. So I definitely don't win mommy of the year for that. Luckily though it was only a little pee and didn't really get past the sheet!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

His new ride.....

Here he is tryin' out his new bike that he got for his birthday! We got a quick trip in outside while the sun was peaking through the clouds and the rain had stopped falling. The part where he's trying it out only lasted a couple of minutes, he was distracted by the water running in the ditch and by Norah on her bike. I quickly went and got the stroller and he dropped the bike, and came to me with hands out saying " yes, yes". So I guess today he would rather ride in the stroller than on his bike, but I'm confident that by summer he will be loving it. I cannot wait for that, when I can take the 2 kids out on their bikes and go for a run along side them, those will be good times.

Monday, January 11, 2010


From this....
to this.....

to this!


I cannot believe it has been 2 years already! I thought the first couple of years with Norah went by fast, but that was nothing compared to the last 2 years with Nolan. The saying is true, "time flies when you are having fun" and that is definitely what we've been doing the last 2 years, having lots of fun!

You are amazingly strong, physically and mentally! You run, jump, climb and run some more. Sometimes even momma has a hard time keeping up with you ;-) You are saying new words and phrases daily, even if sometimes only mommy and daddy know what they are. You love you sissy, and she loves you so much, even when you take her toys! You love the movie Toy Story, especially Buzz Lightyear, and we thank auntie Leesha for this obsession. You have more Toy Story toys than Toys R Us! You are all boy, you love your cars, trucks, trains and airplanes and love to play rough. But, even in all that rough and tough play you are still the sweetest little boy I know. You are never to busy to give mommy a big hug and kiss, and this still melts my heart, and I hope this never changes.

Mommy, Daddy and Sissy LOVE you very, very much!
Happy 2nd Birthday baby boy.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Party.....

Here's the birthday boy opening up some presents,
I love the look on his face in this picture.
Ooooh, big trucks!

Momma and Noley opening up his 1st Woody toy,
he has a string on the back you pull and he says 20 different phrases!
We've been hearing Woody all morning :-)

Nolan's friends and family that came to help celebrate his birthday,
(starting top left) Dylan, Carson, Ashton, and Jackson(the boys)!
Mia, Bella, Avery, Alissa, Caitlyn, Breanna and Ruby(the girls)!
I missed getting pictures of a couple of our cousins, sorry Tyler and Ruby.

And time for the birthday song and cupcakes :-)
Nolan blew his candles out like an old pro, and enjoyed his cupcakes(probably 2 or 3) of them!

Here are his birthday cupcakes!

And a close up, he just loves Buzz Lightyear!

Thanks to all of our friends and family that joined us in celebrating his birthday, we had a blast during all the chaos! Nolan's birthday is actually tomorrow the 11th, and we are just going to have a quite day at home. Hopefully mommy will get my first 4 hours off of work and we can go out to a nice family dinner!