Saturday, August 29, 2009

Mommy & Daughter morning!

I LOVE this girl!

Norah and I spent a perfect mommy daughter morning together! We headed to target, then to Starbucks, I think it's so cute to see her little hand wrapped around a Starbucks cup full of hot cocoa. Then we made our way to the farmers market where she played a little with her friend, colored, and cuddled with momma while I sat at her preschool's booth. After we put our time in at the booth we perused the market for the best fruits and veggies(most of which she still won't eat). She will however eat the mini donuts covered in cinnamon sugar that I let her get, they're tasty! I love getting to spend alone time with her, it doesn't happen often but when it does I
LOVE it!


tiffany jeanne said...

Aww! Norah is such a little lady! I just had a mommy/daughter date with JUST Avery the other day and it was soo much fun! I loved it too!

Erin Leigh said...

Sounds like a lot of fun! I get excited when I get to spend alone time with Cait while Ashton's sleeping... you're lucky you got a whole morning!