Thursday, November 19, 2009

Rain, rain go away......

...but until it does, here's what we've been up to when it's not nice enough to go outside!

* Hot bubble baths

* Baking, Norah is quite the little chef!

* Playing at the indoor play area in the mall

* Lots of coloring and creating, Nolan's even taken a liking to crayons(and not just eating them)!

* Play dates with friends, for the kids and Mommy & Daddy too :-)

* Movie time, what could be better than a snack, juice and a movie after a nice long nap!


tiffany jeanne said...

Hasn't this weather been crazy awful!? Glad you're all finding ways to stay warm and still have fun :)

Erin Leigh said...

can we all get together for a [play date... you me tiffany and all the kiddos?!?!? PLEASE?!?!?