Sunday, September 26, 2010

I LOVE 7 years!

Happy 7th anniversary to the love of my life!

Today Casey and I are celebrating 7 years of marriage and we couldn't have asked for a more perfect day! He got up with the kids while I slept in, always a treat! I made us eggs benedict and we had mimosas :) Then we had some play time with the kids, watched some Survivorman, got the kids down for a nap and napped ourselves! Well I was the only one who actually napped, but he was sweet and cuddled with me while I slept for almost 2 hours! Now he is at our favorite Thai restaurant picking up dinner(we skipped lunch altogether) and I can't wait to sit down with him and enjoy it.

Here's a picture of our anniversary breakfast, it was delicious!

Our wedding and each anniversary are what have made Fall my most favorite season! We have been in full swing around here with fall activities, hence the reason for no new blog posts in almost an entire month. We had the start of school, the start of soccer practice for Norah, a very fun visit from one of my best friends and the kids "auntie" Kristy from California, a trip to Portland to celebrate my besties 30th Birthday and our anniversary, we did the Puyallup, and a few other really fun things and here we are at the end of September! It's not gonna slow down around here till November! Next weekend Casey and I head to the Gorge to see Jack Johnson with great friends, the following week it's back to Portland to cheer on my little sis while she runs her 1st full marathon, then just 5 days after that I'll be on a plane to Hawaii and I can hardly believe it! I'm gonna try to blog a bit more between now and then, we'll see if there is time ;)


Erin Leigh said...

Happy Snniversary. I can't believe it's been 7 years since we celebrated at the point defiance. It was good to see you and your family yesterday.

tiffany jeanne said...

happy anniversary! i'm glad you got the day to spend with your hubs :) thank you again for coming over to my party last was unforgettable! love ya!

ps...looking SO forward to Jack Johnson!