Sunday, December 12, 2010

All things Christmas....and an update ;-)

Christmas "stuff" is in full swing around this house. We got our tree cut, up and decorated a little over a week ago. Norah and Nolan (mostly Norah) had an awesome time decorating the tree, and a little one in their room too! We put up our holiday decorations around the house, but we don't have a ton so It'll be an easy clean up :) And, if we get a break in the rain this week Casey is gonna try to put some lights up on the house.
Friday I took the kids to see Santa and get their pictures taken. I'll just say that the pictures turned out way better than the experience. I thought I might just have to walk away because my charming little 2 year old, wasn't being quite so charming. He was actually being down right naughty and defiant :( He shaped up though just in time to get a few good shots! Here is my fave!

Friday night I ran out by myself and got a good chunk of Christmas shopping done, that felt good. And Friday, Saturday and Sunday we baked Christmas cookies :) Saturday evening one of the Dr.'s I work with hosted a Christmas party for all the employees at The Pagoda at Pt. Defiance. Casey and I took the kids and spent a couple of hours mingling with friends, having a yummy dinner and there was even Santa there to visit the kids.
Today had to have been the best day of the weekend for me. Not a thing on the agenda. So, we relaxed, did some house work, played hide-and-go-seek with the kids and I got a little bit more shopping done during nap time! We had yummy homemade baked potato soup for dinner and I got my Christmas cards ordered(better late than never ;)) Here's a sneak peek at the photo we picked for our cards....

Just a really quick update on things non-Christmas. Casey is taking some online courses for real estate appraisal and will be making a career move in the new year :) I have been though a some stressful times at work recently regarding the possibility of a change in hours and/or schedule. I am thankful to say that neither of these things happened and I am keeping my current work hours and days, yay! I do have to say that I am truly saddened for the wonderful people I work with that this was not the case for :( Norah is doing awesome as a kindergartner and just last week got her very 1st report card!!! She's is right on track for where she should be and her teacher couldn't have had nicer comments about her, I'm very proud of my girl! And last but not least my little Nolan. This was a big weekend of potty training for him. He hasn't worn a single pull up since Thursday. I am calling him potty-trained!!! I know there will be "accidents" but something clicked with him and I know he's got it! Also this will be my last week to get in the pool with Nolan at swimming lessons....sigh! I am greatful to not have to get in that cold pool 2x a week but, I am kinda sad that this era is over. I have been in the pool with one of my kiddos 2x a week for the better part of the last 5 years! Maybe it's time to have another one ;)


Erin Leigh said...

great post! Way to go Nolan on Potty Training!!! Ashton only goes on the toilet once or maybe twice a day and he thinks the purpose of pull ups is to take them off. Glad your schedule at work is the same, and cool for a career move for Casey and little Norah... great report card! Yay for updates and the longest run on sentence ever!

tiffany jeanne said...

Love the family photo! You guys are so photogenic!!!

Looking forward to getting together towards the end of the week!