Friday, December 7, 2012

Love my littles!

Just a little post about my little loves! My little lady has been making us pretty proud parents over the last month. She had a great patent teacher conference in November, then got an award for responsibility at a school assembly and she came home with an outstanding report card this week :) I've also been volunteering in her classroom on Thursday mornings and her teacher can't say enough nice things about her! Just the kind of things every momma wants to hear. She is doing great in her swimming lessons and is just so fun to spend time with!

Mr. Nolan is doing great things as well! He's learning tons of new things in preschool and has been reading a few sight words and learning his alphabet and letter sounds really quickly. He brings home lovely seasonal artwork for me to display and next week I get to go decorate gingerbread houses with him at school! He's my little buddy and he and I get to spend a lot of time together when daddy is at work and sissy's at school. He is also doing great at swim lessons and can swim all on his own now, no floatation devices needed ;)

1 comment:

tiffany jeanne said...

aw! i miss them :) So awesome about nolan reading some words. that's really great!

so fun to skype with you guys a few times so far! love and miss you all