Monday, March 9, 2009

Beach Fun !

Norah on the beach, day one.... a small break in the weather!

Miss Avery, so cute on the beach all bundled up.

Nolan loved eating the sand, and used this toy shovel as an over sized spoon!

The kiddos in the bath after the first day at the beach. Poor Avery was terrified of my little monster Nolan. He gets kinda crazy during bath time, I felt so bad! The expression on Avery's face says it all.

Baby Jackson and Norah. He was the best little baby the whole trip! He really only woke up the first day to eat....quite the little boy.

The beach day 2, Casey and the kids. He showed Norah how to fly a kite for the first time! She absolutely loved it. Casey picked up a special Dora kite for her on Friday night before the trip and she flew it for almost an hour straight!

Our little family, only Casey and I are really looking at the camera....oh well that's just how family pictures go with a toddler and preschooler :)

On Saturday we headed to the ocean, Moclips, WA to be exact. We had planned a kind of last minute trip with the Newgard family earlier in the week. We had a great time, stayed in a fun 2 bedroom suite, played on the beach in between crazy weather and had a good time with our friends. Tiffany tells a little bit more detailed story on her blog, so check it out. Sunday after getting to play in nicer weather we headed home with 2 very tired kids, we stopped in Aberdeen for some lunch and then they slept the rest of the way home! I am looking forward to going back in the summer with hopefully some much nicer weather!


tiffany jeanne said...

Thanks for a great time, and yes, lets go back for Casey's birthday or something when we can have some warm sun! :) Give me a call this week if you guys are headed to the park at all. We'd love to come play!


Cara Grube :) said...

I think spur-of-the-moment getaways are the BEST! Super cute pictures! :)

Erin Leigh said...

looks like super fun! please please please don't plan another trip for Casey's birthday... Caitlyn shares the same special day as him and she needs her favorite friends there :) you guys both got some great photos... I love both your guys' family photos!

tiffany jeanne said...

I just came over here to see if ya had any new pics up, and was looking at the bath pic of Avery and your kids...and I'm laughing out loud again. That was SO funny!