Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Destructive, but .....

.... oh so sweet! My little Nolan has become super rowdy and destructive lately. It must be just a boy thing, because I didn't experience any of the with my sweet Norah. The TV stand was the first piece of furniture to meet the hands of Nolan, he pulled the entire door off and it is now being held in place by a lagre, hot orange tie. Next was our floor lamp, he pulled it down and broke the shade(glass) and the light bulb broke right off too! The same morning the lamp went down I had brought home Starbucks for Casey and hot chocolate for Norah, first he took the lid off Norah's and dumped it all over the living room floor, then when Casey was getting towels to clean it up he somehow reached Casey coffee and started dumping it in his toy box. I know where he has been in the house because he leaves a trail! Daily he takes all the diapers off his changing table and pulls wipes out of the box, he can't walk by a table that has something on top without knocking it off and he totally trashes his room daily. Despite all the destruction he has caused lately he is still the sweetest little thing ever. He blows kisses at everybody, even random people at the grocery store. He gives BIG slobbery open mouth kisses, that I love! And when he is tired he likes to sit on my lap and suck his thumb, it's precious.

Being Silly !

Our broken TV stand!

This is what the living room looks like within 5 min of him being up in the morning.

Floor lamp minus the shade....

.... the shade!


tiffany jeanne said...

You do have your hands full, there! But I agree, he's the sweetest, most lovable little guy ever! xoxo

Erin Leigh said...

sounds you're running is nonstop. Super cute picture of him cheesing for the camera!

Cara Grube :) said...

This post had me cracking up! I'm picturing my little nephew Peter...Nolan sounds exactly like he was. Total destruction, ALL the time! Hilarious! Gotta love those little boys :)