Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Poor Nolan :(

He just loves to wear Daddy's hat.

Running around naked, and loving it.
Nolan isn't feeling well and it's making me so sad, and I just feel so bad for him. This whole saga started about 2 weeks ago when he got bit by a little girl that my cousin watches. The bite just barely broke the skin but the doctor decided it would be best to put him on some antibiotics. As soon as we started the antibiotics he started having diarrhea and occasional vomiting. The antibiotics lasted about 10 days but the diarrhea and vomiting continued. So on Monday afternoon after 10 diapers that contained watery poo and 2 vomiting episodes I decided I needed to take him in to see the doctor again. They think he has C-Diff(a bacteria normally found in the intestines). It's usually not harmful but when someone is on antibiotics it can grow out of control causing severe diarrhea and dehydration. Anyway I was sent home and tasked with collecting 2 stool samples, good times :) And as soon as I can manage to get enough they can run tests to determine if that is what the problem really is. His poor little bottom has the most awful diaper rash so I've been letting him run around naked, like in the picture above. He enjoys it and it helps his little bottom. I hope we can find out soon and get him treated if that's what it is. Ironically the treatment is a different antibiotic, but as long as it works I really don't care. He is such a good little guy that even sick he's not too fussy, he's just kind of clingy and wants me to hold him a lot, which I really don't mind.


Erin Leigh said...

Dang... that totally stinks if it's C-Diff! I just hope that he's on his way to recovery... now good luck collecting stool ;)

tiffany jeanne said...

I have noticed a huge difference in the way my kids handle illness, and Jackson is only 4 weeks old. Avery is fussy, whiney, emotional, and difficult while Jax is calm, sleepy, and mellow as long as he's well fed and held alot. I am glad that Nolan is like that also! Hopefully he'll be better really soon (and good luck with the stool collection...) Give him a hug from us and tell him Avery digs the nakey pictures of him! (I can't imagine where she gets it from!!!!)

Bre said...

I will keep Nolan in my prayers, that sounds awful and his poor bum Im sure its raw. One plus..when they run around naked you cant resist but sqeeze there little bunners! Im glad he is being such a trooper through it all!

Cara Grube :) said...

Oh Beth, that sounds just awful. His poor little bottom! :( It sure has been a rough week for all of our kiddos...everyone's sick. I guess it's just that time of year though...man, I can't wait for Spring.