Sunday, February 8, 2009

Ready for Spring !

I am 100% ready for Spring to be here. Yesterday Casey and I took the kids to the park and played for a while, but it was so cold that we didn't get as long of a visit as we would have liked. Norah would have kept playing all day long oblivious to to cold damp air, runny nose and frozen little fingers. But, between Casey, Nolan and I we were ready to go after about 30 short minutes of play time. I can't wait for it to get just a little warmer out so we can take advantage of it. One of my most favorite things to do with the kids is to be outside, I don't really care what it is a walk, bike ride or playing at the park and they just love it too. Enjoy the pictures, I get a kick out of Norah's outfit! She put it together by herself. I think she is wearing almost every shade of pink and brown you can imagine, but to a 3 year old it matches because its brown and pink :)


Erin Leigh said...

Cute pics... You look really hot in the first one! Hope all is well! I can't wait for warmer weather too!

tiffany jeanne said...

I am absolutely in agreement with you. I wish winter would GO AWAY! Dinner was fun on Friday... and your banana cake was delish! See you soon! (Lets really go to Mt. Rainier in two weeks! I'm gonna look for some cheap snow gear for Avery this week!)