Monday, October 20, 2008

9 month update

Nolan turned 9 months old on Oct. 11, he had his checkup today and here are the numbers:
Weight = 21 lbs 6 oz
Length = 30 1/2 in
Head circumference = 18 in
So he is really growing well in percentages he's off the chart for length and just over the 50th percentile for weight and head circumference. So enough with the numbers and percentages he is just so much fun! I love every minute I get to spend with him, and I especially love to watch him and Norah play together, she is such a loving big sister. It seems like he does something new almost every day, and my new favorite is him clapping his hands and playing peekaboo. He still just has one tooth but he does really good with finger foods and absolutely loves to feed himself. The messier the better as far as he's concerned. I can not believe that his first year is going by so fast and what a sweet precious little man he is becoming.


tiffany jeanne said...

Oh my goodnes...he is so kissable!!! What a precious picture!

Cara Grube :) said...

This is an adorable picture! So sweet!!

Erin Leigh said...

wow... 9 months! he is a doll! it was so good to see you on saturday... your work halloween party looked like lots of fun too!

Kristastic said...

I can't believe how fast its going by! They should give you more time with your second and not make him grow up so fast!