Friday, October 3, 2008

I almost never ....

take a nap, but today while both the kids were taking their afternoon naps I decided to sneak one in. Other moms know this but the only time I have to myself are those couple of hours in the afternoon when they are both asleep and I can really get a lot done. Let me tell you though it was great, and well worth it! I think it's the weather today that has been making me tired because all morning I was dragging. Not anymore all I needed was a 30 minute nap and now I feel great. I think I might try this more often :) And you other moms out there should try it too.


Kristastic said...

And who knows, maybe sometime you can send them both down to hang out with me and have a whole week! (hint, hint)

Cara Grube :) said...

It's so funny that you posted this, cuz when I put Taylor down for her nap today I thought to myself "man I'm tired...I should go take a nap too..." Then I remembered the two loads of laundry that still needed to be folded and put away and the dishwasher that needed to be unloaded. I'll nap another day!