Monday, January 12, 2009

A sad day :(

This morning we found our cat Manny by the side of the road, he had been hit by a car and died. After such a happy day yesterday, today is the complete opposite. We are so upset and will miss our kitty terribly. Manny was the coolest cat, he was actually really more like a dog. He played fetch and liked his belly rubbed. He would lay on the couch sprawled out on his back for hours. And, he was constantly sneaking in Norah and Nolan's rooms and bringing us their socks to play fetch with. We'll miss you Man!


Erin Leigh said...

I's SO Sorry for your loss! It is so hard losing a little cat... I know! Hope you and your family are coping well. I'll say some prayers.

Kristastic said...

Ahhh! I'm sad :( Manny was the coolest.

Bre said...

Oh Beth Im so sorry, that is so sad. Hopefully you guys will be able to get a new kitty soon to fill that missing spot in the house. I hope the kids are holding up, its always hard to understand those things when your that young.

tiffany jeanne said...

Wow, Beth. I'm so sorry. What a tough way to find him, too. Kory and I can vouch that Manny truly was the coolest cat. I'll probably never forget playing fetch with him at your house with a pair of Nolan's newborn-sized socks...Hang in there, you're all in my thoughts. xoxo

katy said...

So sorry Beth. We'll say a little prayer for your family.

Cara Grube :) said...

What a sad day for you guys. Manny sounds like he had a special place in your family :( Hang in there and remember that your little furry friend is in Kitty Heaven right now with all the love and fun he could ever imagine! :)

Susan said...

Bethany and family, I am so sorry about your kitty, I know how it is to lose a cool cat. My husband and I were just looking at pictures of our Zeke this afternoon. They are definately apart of our families.