Saturday, November 15, 2008

A busy afternoon !

Yesterday after Nolan's morning nap I packed up the kids and we went to get Nolan his very first haircut. For the most part he did really well, there were only a few tears and a little squirming. They gave us this cute little certificate and put some of his hair in a little plastic bag and taped it to the back. Next we went to the mall for a shopping and lunch date with one of my best friends Jenny and her son Dylan who is 6 months older than Nolan. They recently opened a new play are in the mall and the kids had fun trying it out. After playing for a while it was off to find a shirt for me to wear out later that night. My sister got me a really cute necklace so I wanted to find something to match it. I ended up finding a great shirt at Macy's and it was on sale, Yay! Next we went and got some food. Norah and Dylan were sharing fries and mini corndogs and Nolan felt left out so when I wasn't looking he decided to sneak a couple handfuls of fries and he really liked them and wasn't so happy when I took them away! After lunch we were all exhausted even the mommies so it was off to home with hopes of late naps for the kids. It was a fun really busy afternoon. And Nolan's haircut makes him look about 6 months older that he really is.

The Certificate!

Before the haircut

And after the haircut

Dylan and Nolan playing

Norah being "eaten" by the hippo!

Norah with Dylan, she really likes him :)

Nolan after playing, looking so serious, and he looks exactly like my dad did when he was a baby in this picture.


Erin Leigh said...

Sounds like a super fun day. I was tired after reading about it though. Days out shopping with Caitlyn wear me down fast. also... Happy Birthday again. Your birthday pics are cute I especially like the one of you and your brother and sister!

tiffany jeanne said...

His hair looks positively handsome! Avery is sick with a fever. I'm leaving work at 11 today to get her into the doctor. So much for saving my PTO...sigh. Oh well.