Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Happy Birthday ....

.... to ME !

Make a wish, my babies helping me blow out my candles.

Me, my brother Joe and sister Sarah
Thanks for helping me celebrate my birthday and for the great gifts!

Only a Papa could still be this happy after getting puked on, yuk!

Thanks for the scarf and hat Dad, sorry you got puked on.

And thank you so much to my wonderful husband and kids for my new camera!My old one got broke on our trip to Whistler this year and I've really been missing it.


I turned 28 yesterday! I slept most of the day because I worked the night before, got up and then Casey got home with the kids and my family came over. We had a pizza dinner and some yummy cake that my sister baked. Thanks for the happy birthday and for a fun night! Love you all.


tiffany jeanne said...

Happy Birthday, dear friend! I hope I can make it out for a little bit on Friday to help you celebrate!!! Love you and am so happy to consider you one my bestest friends!!!

Cara Grube :) said...

Happy Birthday, Beth!! :)

Bre said...

Happy Birthday Beth! Sorry Im late with this..but I figure better late then never!!